Hall County Courthouse Restoration!

Restoration of 1923 Hall County Courthouse in Memphis, Texas!

August 1, 2022

Ray Powell County Judge - I am pleased to report that Hall County has been awarded funding for the restoration of our Courthouse in the amount of $6,000,000.00 less $46,655.00 for a Master Plan Project required by the Historical Commission about a year or so ago. The county paid for the project and received credit of $46,655.00 from the Commission after the project was completed. Evidently, they took it back by deducting from the $6,000,000.00 grant.

The County Commissioners are facing a hard decision. We know that the Courthouse has many, many problems, after all, it will be 100 years old in the year 2023. Today’s financing, however, is very discouraging because of the interest rates, inflation, you name it! Take a look at the financial document showing four million as the dollar amount needed for the county’s part and the cost to the county on a yearly basis; the total payback cost; and the Tax Rate that would be required to be paid by you the tax payer.

In 2006 and/or 2007 the county took the opportunity to look into a possible courthouse restoration project but decided not to pursue it. I do not know all of the details.

Our major problem is electrical. The courthouse needs a complete electrical rehabilitation to meet current electrical code requirements.

We need a new roof.

We need to update or replace the current elevator

We need to update or replace the plumbing.

Heating and cooling is a major concern. If you will, go to the county website http://www.co.hall.tx.us and click on Courthouse Restoration. You can find much more information pertaining to the courthouse needs.

Ray Powell

Hall County Judge